Monday, May 23, 2022

Eyes: Eyelid Hygiene: Who Knew?

Yellow eye, artist unknown. Missouri. February 2006. Photo credit: Mzuriana.
Yellow eye, artist unknown. Missouri. February 2006. Photo credit: Mzuriana.

The 3 take-aways from this post

  1. The older we get, the more likely we are to acquire blepharitis and dry eye.
  2. Good eyelid hygiene prevents or helps manage blepharitis and dry eye. 
  3. We should cleanse our eyelids at least once per day whether we need to or not.

Until this year, I never thought about eyelid hygiene. I washed my face. Showered. Wore eyeliner and mascara

But apparently, the careful cleaning of our eyelids is a thing we should do. When I say eyelids, I mean along the lash lines. When I say careful, I mean not a slapdash, close-enough-for-horseshoes swipe with a soapy washcloth across the lids, but mindful back-and-forth strokes. Not too soft and not too hard. Assertive. Not aggressive.

I did not know about eyelid hygiene until after an ophthalmologist diagnosed me with blepharitis and dry eye in April. 

He handed me two pieces of paper as I left his exam room, accompanied by a meager crumb or two of explanation: 

1.    A list of products from one brand's line of: 

  • Tea tree oil eyelid wipes to cleanse my eyelids
  • Microwaveable heat compress mask
  • Preservative-free lubricating drops
  • Night time ointment

2.   A prescription for Restasis (which would have cost me $500 for a one-month supply out-of-pocket if I had filled it)

This post addresses the eyelid cleaning only. 

I watched a score of youtube videos by eye doctors, and I read a ream of online articles and subreddit posts on the subject. With the exception of the feral, entirely anecdotal subreddit, I used written sources that I felt were most reliable, such as the high-reputation Mayo Clinic and Cleveland Clinic. 

What do we use to clean our eyelids? 

There is a lot of chatter out there about these cleansing products:

  • Wipes (and the pros and cons of tea tree oil formulations)
  • Foam scrubs
  • Diluted baby shampoo
  • Dandruff shampoo
  • Cleansing sprays

This is not a medical blog and I'm not an expert, so I'll wish you well on your personal quest for the perfect product and technique.

But below is my personal journey, which is in its early days still. 

What I chose 

I bought two eyelid cleansers: 

  1. Tea tree oil wipes - because I didn't know yet if I had an overpopulation of demodex (mites) or not - and tea tree oil formulations seemed to be the go-to for subduing the mite population; and
  2. OcuSoft Lid Scrub Plus - because I could use my finger to apply it and it was more cost-effective than the packaging-heavy and very expensive wipes

At first, I also bought a travel-size bottle of baby shampoo and diluted it, but my subsequent research pointed to newish concerns about this, so I've suspended its use as an eyelid cleanser for now. 

What I will choose next 

I've had a follow-up visit since my first diagnosis and I now know that I do not have an overpopulation of demodex (mites). I do have scurf and scales, which translates to dandruff flakes in my lashes and along the lash line. 

Therefore, I will not buy the tea tree oil wipes again. Too expensive. Too much packaging.

I will buy the OcuSoft Lid Scrub Plus Platinum next time (instead of "just" the Plus). In addition to the qualities in the Plus product, it also reduces inflammation.

Why I care about pushing my blepharitis into remission

I'm very, very lucky. My blepharitis is not at a stage where it causes a fiery swelling of my lids, redness of my eyeballs, or pain. I had no idea I even had this blepharitis thing. 

However. What I have experienced is intermittent blurriness in my vision. Blepharitis (and dry eye) often does this. And that matters to me, a lot. 

Also, blepharitis can lead to or exacerbate dry eye. Dry eye is another suspect in intermittent blurriness. 

As we age, compromised vision - especially at night - can affect our ability to drive safely. Being able to drive safely as long as possible is a major quality-of-life indicator. 

So I'm gonna clean my eyelids. 

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